Be kind
By Globant
Unsere Art, die Welt zu verändern
Be Kind weist den Weg zu dem, worin sich die DNA von Globant auszeichnet: Neuerfindung wird zu einer Kraft für positive Veränderungen.
Wir möchten unsere Kultur der Vielfalt weitergeben, für eine nachhaltige Zukunft arbeiten und das individuelle Wachstum und Wohlbefinden fördern, um unsere Entwicklung durch Technologie voranzutreiben.
Unser nachhaltiger Lebensstil
Globant seeks a culture of integrity guided by the commitment to build together a sustainable future. We care about our people, our communities, and our environment. To do so, Be Kind flows with four pillars:
We embrace our responsibility to be a force for positive change by unleashing our full potential through our well-being.
We foster and build a diverse and inclusive culture, transforming our reality with solutions that reach all of us
We see technology as an enabler to create new solutions for the more significant problems of humanity, fostering innovation and delivering inclusive opportunities to historically relegated communities
Globant Awards- Women That Build Edition is an international award that recognizes both leading, and promising young women, who have made their careers in technology and promote diversity and inclusion.
Don't miss out on our Stay Relevant page, where we're sharing valuable insights about the power and impact of Be Kind
An initiative managed by Globant Ventures, publicly committed to investing USD 10 million in start-ups developing apps, products, and platforms to tackle the misuse of technology and its negative impact on society