Data & AI

Discovering the real value of data and AI

Unleash your organization's full potential with cutting-edge AI solutions

We partner with companies' internal teams to discover, define, and build the best data products, AI services, and strategies to meet their business needs in the context of AI adoption. Following agile methodologies, we evolve them from early definitions to get them live in production, ensuring through the process that business stakeholders are involved and aligned with the final product. AI-based tools for businesses unlock the power of information analysis and big data to inform critical business decisions and stay ahead of the competition.


Data Strategy

Data can be a side effect of your operations or a pivotal element in your business strategy. There is no modern strategy without data. Data strategy is about how you capture, analyze, maintain and process data in order to augment your business value. It’s also about the technology and design choices to build scalable, reliable, and reproducible value and the AI-powered tools you set to improve how your people can make and act on their decisions. With our extensive experience and top notch technical expertise and business acumen, we guide our clients in empowering their business models through data, consult on technological decisions, and on the processes and change management to make them effective.


Having collected and accessed the right data means a lot, but the greatest value comes from analyzing and interpreting the data, in order to understand the situation, generate new insights and decide on actionable outcomes. This requires a data-savviness for which most businesses lack bandwidth, coupled with business knowledge where they excel. We partner with our clients to extract the best information from their data and assist them in their operations and strategy side by side and day to day.

Your Data as a Product (DaaP)

Companies understand that data is part of their most valuable assets. That is why we work together to co-create data products and get the most value from them. Our expertise in different business verticals allows us to execute projects following best practices and quality standards. With the premise to generate internal and external value through data, we help our clients create a variety of solutions with different focuses such as improving customer experience, optimizing costs, generating revenue, obtaining data insights, among others.

Data Platforms

Exploiting valuable and relevant data is of paramount importance to the success of modern organizations, from harnessing insights up to generating revenue streams from novel data products. Data platforms have emerged as the cornerstone solution that enables organizations to efficiently exploit and benefit from data in a cost-efficient, scalable and secure manner. We partner with our clients to design and build data platforms as integrated technology solutions that enclose the elements required to support the entire data lifecycle, from data governance to AI data solutions and machine learning models.


Companies have embraced the concept of DevOps in the last couple of years which has enabled them to make software reach scale at levels not seen before. Data products such as data visualizations or AI models also need a similar set of practices that help the organization manage their availability in a similar fashion and so reach scale. Our experience in software engineering combined with our deep knowledge of data & AI has allowed us to develop MLOps practices that enable organizations to manage machine learning solutions at scale, including data visualizations and AI models. MLOps means graduating from POCs into full scale enterprise data solutions.

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Globant’s AI Manifesto

The use and expansion of AI represents a big challenge and responsability for businesses and industries. In Globant, when it comes to incorporate AI, we defined a set of principles that leads our way foward: what we believe in and what do we encourage. We invite you to read, embrace and share them.

Success Stories

AI-powered healthcare: SmartPASI Novartis

A smart assistant tool using AI to accurately calculate the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI).

>Take a look


Globant’s perfect soccer shot

An AI-driven phygital experience combines biomechanics with artificial intelligence to uniquely analyze a player's performance.

>Take a look

Perfect Shot
Perfect Shot

Imagine Learning: empowering instructors for a better education

Using AI to improve the learning process for students and provide a better experience for instructors with ChevereBot.

>Take a look

Imagine Learning
Imagine Learning

An innovative data platform for Autodesk

Cloud-based software tools using machine learning and AI to improve how companies design and construct buildings.

>Take a look

We strive to bring organizations the insights that will help them create the right strategy for their business

Trust in your brand means more data

Unscripted Tech is a new Globant original podcast about the trends that are changing how the technology game is played.


Embracing the Power of AI

It has never been more critical for businesses, societies, and humankind to reinvent themselves. And with reinvention comes AI. This book will help you demystify AI and machine learning and adopt a data-driven mindset that is essential to build disruptive solutions.

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