Be Kind to Humanity

Reinventare il nostro settore per avere un impatto positivo. 

La nostra mission è trasformare il mondo, un passo alla volta. Vogliamo permettere alle organizzazioni di evolversi ed essere pronte per un futuro digitale, cognitivo e sostenibile.


Be Kind to Humanity Commitments

At Globant, we embrace our responsibility to be a force for positive change. We believe in technology as an enabler to seek reinvention and make the world a better place. 

Globant initiatives to support humanity’s evolution through technology:

Tackle the misuse of technology through our Be Kind Tech Fund, an initiative that aims to Invest $10 million USD in startups that help to address these issues

Grant coding scholarships to 15,000 people by 2025


La tecnologia per una buona causa

Il nostro approccio Be Kind

La sostenibilità digitale è il nostro approccio olistico all'uso della tecnologia per aiutare le aziende a migliorare i loro risultati ambientali, sociali e di governance (ESG). Vogliamo farlo guidando la rivoluzione dell'AI in modo etico, con coding senza bias e promuovendo l'accessibilità in ogni parte del software.

Sostenibilità digitale

Dobbiamo essere uniti ai nostri clienti e adottare una visione condivisa, superare le problematiche etiche e adottare pratiche inclusive: Stiamo proponendo nuovi modi di lavorare basati sulla tecnologia, consapevoli dell'impatto che generiamo per risolvere i problemi più impellenti che il mondo deve gestire.

Ethics in AI

Ethics in AI

To incorporate AI in the organization, we must unite ourselves and embrace a shared vision, overcoming ethical challenges and social risks. We have created the AI Manifesto to guide our AI solutions development journeys.
Speculative Design
Speculative Design

Be Kind Labs

Be Kind Labs

Globant Labs promote the internal development of digital solutions and is the space where passionate Globers can participate in challenging initiatives, experiment, and take into completion projects that will positively impact society.

Be Kind Tech Fund

Be Kind Tech Fund

To guarantee technology remains a force for good, Globant created the Be Kind Tech Fund, a USD 10 million corporate venture fund managed by Globant Ventures. The BKTF invests in start-ups tackling the misuse of technology in society.
be kind-humanity-code-your-future
be kind-humanity-code-your-future

Code your future

Code your future

Born as Globant's scholarship program, Code your Future is made up of a plurality of real and inclusive opportunities through education in technology and employability, taking special consideration to minorities.
Green Data
Green Data

Cybersecurity Tech Accord

Cybersecurity Tech Accord

Globant is part of the Cybersecurity Tech Accord, which promotes a safer online world by collaborating with technology companies committed to protecting their customers and users.

Ethics in AI

To incorporate AI in the organization, we must unite ourselves and embrace a shared vision, overcoming ethical challenges and social risks. We have created the AI Manifesto to guide our AI solutions development journeys.
Speculative Design
Speculative Design

Be Kind Labs

Globant Labs promote the internal development of digital solutions and is the space where passionate Globers can participate in challenging initiatives, experiment, and take into completion projects that will positively impact society.

Be Kind Tech Fund

To guarantee technology remains a force for good, Globant created the Be Kind Tech Fund, a USD 10 million corporate venture fund managed by Globant Ventures. The BKTF invests in start-ups tackling the misuse of technology in society.
be kind-humanity-code-your-future
be kind-humanity-code-your-future

Code your future

Born as Globant's scholarship program, Code your Future is made up of a plurality of real and inclusive opportunities through education in technology and employability, taking special consideration to minorities.
Green Data
Green Data

Cybersecurity Tech Accord

Globant is part of the Cybersecurity Tech Accord, which promotes a safer online world by collaborating with technology companies committed to protecting their customers and users.